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Tron Future is among Taiwan’s most promising defense startups. It even has a staffer in Ukraine to evaluate the lightning-fast innovation occurring there in real time.
One element of the war in Ukraine that shows the ubiquity of drones is proliferation of counter-drone electronic systems along the lengthy frontlines. As experience in Ukraine has shown, counter-drone systems are now a must-have for any military unit.
“The Taiwanese military for the last one or two years, they are already switching their mindset… before the Ukraine war, they were thinking that we should invest a huge amount of money in the latest aircraft, warships, those kinds of technologies. But the last one or two years… there was a paradigm shift in government,” said Yu-Jiu Wang, the chairman and CEO of the company, and the Taiwanese has started to think about the importance of drone warfare.
But Tron Future has focused on projecting what a Taiwan-China war may mean technologically. As such, it specializes in producing ‘soft kill’ electronic warfare systems and ‘hard kill’ counter-drone interceptors that target AI-enabled, autonomous drones.