Corporate Story
Sep 02, 2024

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近年軍民兩用的商機無限,特別是俄烏戰爭爆發後,無人機反制和管理需求大增,以低軌衛星及無人機防禦系統為核心產品的創未來公司也因此訂單暢旺。為了擴產所需的資金,在工研院團隊的協助下,憑藉 12 件無人機相關專利,創未來於 2024 年初獲得凱基銀行核貸億元級的融資額度,創下台灣無形資產融資的新里程碑。工研院亦引薦全球第二大低軌衛星營運商 OneWeb,與創未來對接展開合作。

創未來創辦人兼董事長王毓駒指出,創未來自創業以來,在主動相位陣列天線(AESA)核心技術領域目前已累計取得約 60 項專利,衛星及無人機應用各約占一半比重。他預期在今年底前,無論是研發成果(專利數量)及出貨量,創未來皆有望在國內 AESA 產業中,躍居領先地位。

Dual-use technology has been seeing rising market potential. After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, the demand for drone countermeasures has especially surged. Tron Future Tech, which leverages its core radar technology to focus on LEO satellites and anti-drone markets, is also seeing a boom in orders. To fund its expansion, the company secured a substantial financing amount from Taiwan’s KGI Bank in early 2024 via its 12 drone-related patents – thanks to the assistance of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). This achievement marks a new milestone in the history of Taiwan’s intangible asset financing.

ITRI also introduced OneWeb, the world’s second-largest LEO satellite network operator, to Tron Future for collaboration.

Tron Future Tech founder & chairman, Yu-jiu Wang, pointed out that since its inception, the company has accumulated approximately 60 patents in the core technology area of active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, with satellite and drone applications each representing about half of this total. He expects that by the end of 2024, both in terms of R&D achievements (number of patents) and shipment volume, Tron Future Tech is poised to become a leading player in Taiwan’s military AESA industry.